Overall presentation

The HRS4R Award

LE 03 septembre 2024


In its pursuit of fostering a quality culture across all spheres of its activities, Artois University is committed to continuous improvement of its HR practices through the European HRS4R label.

Awarded by the European Commission, the "HR Excellence in Research" HRS4R label is based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, both published in 2005 (C&C).

 This label encompasses 40 principles structured around four main themes of the charter and the code. These four main pillars promote the mobility and career development of researchers within the European Research Area (ERA) :

  • Ethical principles and professional responsibilities
  • Recruitment, career development, mobility
  • Working conditions and safety, professional environment
  • Training

The aim is to engage in a process of improving the quality of HR practices as well as the working conditions of teachers-researchers and researchers, while enhancing the attractiveness of these professions.

The procedure includes three main phases :

  • The initial phase (12 months)
  • The implementation phase (5 years)
  • The label renewal phase (every 3 years)